Rex Swain's XEDIT Summary

VM/ESA Release 2.1, CMS Level 10

Last updated 4 January 1997
[Links updated 2 January 2011)



See Also

Other Summaries and Demos

Subcommands & Supplied Macros

/str[/]            Special case of LOCATE when delimiter is slash
&cmd               Execute cmd, then redisplay it; Enter to repeat
?                  Display last command (PF6); ?? for 2 cmds ago, etc.
=                  Re-execute previous command (PF9); == to do twice
=cmd               Execute cmd, then execute previous command
Add [n]            Add n lines below current line; default=1
ALL [t]            Display all lines matching target; omit t to restore [M]
ALter h1 h2 t n p  Change one character to another; see CHANGE syntax   [M]
BAckward [n|*]     Scroll up n screens; default=1 (PF7)
Bottom             Make last line the current line
CANCEL             Like QUIT for all files in ring                      [M]
CAppend txt        Append txt to end of current line                    [M]
CDelete ct         Delete columns from colptr thru ct; default ct=1
CFirst             Move column pointer to beginning of zone
Change/s1/s2/t n p Change string1 to string2 from curline thru target
CInsert txt        Insert text in current line starting at column pointer
CLast              Move column pointer to end of zone
CLocate ct         Locate column target; moves column pointer
CMS [cmscmd]       Execute CMS command; default=CMS subset mode, RETURN
CMSG [txt]         Place text on command line; default=clear command line
COMMAND cmd        Execute command without checking for synonym/macro
COMPress t         Prepare lines for new tab column settings from SET TABS
COpy t1 t2         Copy lines from curline thru target1 to follow target2
COUnt /str/ t      Count number of times string occurs in lines thru target
COVerlay txt       Overlay text in curline at colptr; blanks do not replace
CP [cpcmd]         Execute CP command; default=enter CP READ mode
CReplace txt       Replace text in curline at colptr; blanks do replace
CURsor CMdline c   Place cursor on command line at column c; default=1
CURsor Column      Place cursor on current line at current column
CURsor Home        Toggle cursor from command line to current line (PF12)
CURsor File l c    Place cursor at line/column in file; default c=1
CURsor Screen l c  Place cursor at line/column on screen; default c=1
DELete t           Delete lines from current line thru target; default=1
Down n|*           Advance current line; default=1; same as NEXT
DUPlicat n t       Make n copies of lines from curline thru target; def=1 1
EMSG [[mno]txt]    Alarm and display error message; optional system msg no
EXPand t           Reposition data in lines with tab (x'05') chars
EXTract /o1/o2/... Extract internal XEDIT info; see EXTRACT Operands
FFile [fn ft fm]   Unprotected file and quit (synonym for COMMAND FILE) [S]
FILE               Save file and quit
FILE [fn ft fm]    Save with new name and quit; typically syn for PFILE [S]
Find txt           Search forward for first line starting with text
FINDUp txt         Search backward for first line starting with text
FOward [n|*]       Scroll down n screens; default=1 (PF8)
FUp txt            Alternate name for FINDUP
GET                Insert lines from prior PUT command below current line
GET fn ft fm f n   Insert lines from file; first,numrec; default: = = = 1 *
Help [topic]       Get help: MENU, TASK, commandname, msgno (PF1)       [M]
HEXType t          Display lines in both hex and EBCDIC; default=1      [M]
Input              Leave edit more and enter input mode
Input txt          Insert line of text into file, below current line
Join [ALigned]     Join current line and next line into one line        [M]
Join " Column      Overlay next line starting at column pointer         [M]
Join " CURSOR      Overlay next line starting at cursor position        [M]
Join " c [c ...]   Overlay next line at column c [, and next at ...]    [M]
Join " /str[/...]  Join current line, string, then next line [,...]     [M]
LEft [n]           Move view of columns to left; default=1; 0 to restore
LOAD fn ft fm      Load file into storage; use in PROFILE XEDIT only
Locate t [cmd]     Locate target, then do optional command
LOWercas t         Change uppercase letters to lowercase; default=1
LPrefix [txt]      Simulate writing txt in prefix area of current line
MACRO name         Execute macro (not command); or name w/nonalpha chars
MErge t1 t2 [c]    Combine two sets of lines, overlay 2nd on 1st at colno
MODify keyword     Display SET command key and current value on cmdline [M]
MOve t1 t2         Move lines from curline thru t1 to follow t2
MSG txt            Display a message in the message area
Next [n|*]         Scroll down n lines; default n=1; same as DOWN
NFind txt          Search forward for first line not starting with text
NFINDUp txt        Search backward for first line not starting with text
NFUp txt           Alternate name for NFINDUP
Overlay txt        Replace chars in curline with non-blank chars in text
PARSE c [ADLNSTW]  Parse stacked line for number/string/target etc.     [M]
POWerimp           Enter input mode, type as if screen were one long line
PQUIT              Quit file being edited, but prompt if modified (PF3)
PREServe           Save XEDIT settings until RESTORE
PSAVE fn ft fm     Protected save with new name; prompt if already exists
PURge macro        Purge copy of macro from virtual storage
PUT [t]            Put lines thru target into temp file; def=1; see GET
PUT t fn ft fm     Put lines thru target into file (create or append)
PUTD t [fn ft fm]  Like PUT but also deletes from the file being edited
QQuit              Unprotected (quick) quit of file being edited
Query op           Query option setting; see QUERY Options
QUIT               Quit file being edited; typical syn for PQUIT (PF3)  [S]
QUIT rc            Quit file being edited and return rc (from macros only)
READ               Place info from terminal into console stack; see READ Subcommand
RECover [n|*]      Recover n lines deleted by DELETE, MERGE, PUTD; def=1
REFRESH            Update screen without waiting for input
RENum [start inc]  Renumber line numbers of VSBASIC or FREEFORT file
REPEat t           Advance line & do last command, for each line thru targ
Replace            Replace current line with line(s) entered in input mode
Replace txt        Replace current line with text
RESet              Cancel all pending prefix commands and macros
RESTore            Restore all XEDIT settings saved by PRESERVE
RGTLEFT [n]        Toggle columns viewed right/left (PF10)              [M]
RIght [n]          Move view of columns to right; default=1; 0 to restore
SAVE               Save file being edited
SAVE fn ft fm      Save with new name; typically synonym for PSAVE      [S]
SCHANGE [pfkeyno]  Make CHANGE confirm each occurrence; def=6 (PF5)     [M]
SET option value   Change various XEDIT options; see SET Options
SHift L|R c t      Shift data left/right c columns thru targ; can lose data
SI                 Structured input: adds new lines, indent as previous [M]
SORT t A|D c1 c2   Sort lines thru target asc/descending by column range
SOS opt            Screen operation simulation, for macros; see SOS Operands
SPlit [ALigned]    Split current line into two lines                    [M]
SPlit " Column     Split current line at current column pointer         [M]
SPlit " CURSOR     Split current line at cursor position                [M]
SPlit " c1 c2 ...  Split curline at column c1 [, and at column c2...]   [M]
SPlit " B|A /str1/ Split curline before/after string [, and...]         [M]
SPLTJOIN           Split or join depending on position of cursor (PF11) [M]
STAck t c n        Stack FIFO lines thru target, starting col, number cols
STATus [macro]     Display SET settings [or create macro with them]
SSave fn ft fm     Unprotected save (synonym for COMMAND SAVE)          [S]
TOP                Make "* * * Top of File * * *" line the current line
TRAnsfer opt       Like EXTRACT but stacks responses for EXEC2 &READ
Type t             Display lines thru target; default=1
Up [n|*]           Move current line up n lines; default=1
UPPercas t         Change lowercase letters to uppercase; default=1
VMFDEOPT           Undo changes made by VMFOPT                          [M]
VMFOPT             Optimize EXEC2 &GOTO label statements in a macro     [M]
Xedit              Move to next file in ring
Xedit fn ft fm     Add another file to XEDIT ring, or move to the file

t An XEDIT target (see Targets) ct An XEDIT column target cmd An XEDIT subcommand / String delimiter (need not be the slash character) n Number of lines (a non-negative integer); * means all p Starting occurrence h A single character or a two-digit hexadecimal number fn ft fm File name/type/mode; use = for same as current file colptr Column pointer curline Current line
(PFn) By default, command is assigned to this PF key [M] This is actually a macro, not a subcommand [S] By default, this is actually a synonym, not a subcommand

Syntax & Options

XEDIT fn ft [fm|*] [( option1 option2 ... [)[myopts]]]

WINdow XEDIT|name Name of virtual screen and window Width w Lrecl for XEDIT to use NOSCreen Force 3270 into typewriter (line) mode PROFile PROFILE|fn Macro to run before user starts editing; ft=XEDIT NOPROFil Don't execute any profile NOCLear Do not clear screen; place screen in MORE... state NOMsg Start with SET MSGMODE OFF MEMber memname Name of member when ft=MACLIB LOCk Lock file (when in SFS directory) NOLOCk Don't lock file (when in SFS directory) NOUpdate Don't apply UPDATE stmts (even if LOAD says UPDATE) Update Look for fn=fn and ft=UPDATE, apply update statements
Seq8 Last 8 cols contain 8-digit sequence numbers NOSeq8 Last 8 cols contain 3-char label and 5-digit seq no Ctl fn File named fn CNTRL is multiple update control file NOCtl Don't use control file (even if specified in LOAD) Merge All updates and editing changes written to UPDATE file UNtil ft Specify ft of last update applied to the file Incr 1|incr Specify minimum increment for serialization SIDcode str Write string in cols lrecl-16 thru lrecl-9

Prefix Subcommands & Supplied Macros

.....    Synonym for SI (see below)                                     [S]
An       Add n new lines below this line; default=1; same as I command
nA       Add n new lines below this line; default=1; same as I command
Cn       Copy n lines; default=1; use F or P for destination; * means rest
nC       Copy n lines; default=1; use F or P for destination
CC       Copy block of lines; use F or P for destination
Dn       Delete n lines; default=1; * means rest of file
nD       Delete n lines; default=1
DD       Delete block of lines
E        Extend logical line by one more virtual screen line
F        Follow: target for C and M commands
In       Insert n new lines below this line; default=1; same as A command
nI       Insert n new lines below this line; default=1; same as A command
Mn       Move n lines; default=1; use F or P for destination; * means rest
nM       Move n lines; default=1; use F or P for destination
MM       Move block of lines; use F or P for destination
P        Preceding: target for C and M commands
S[+|-]n  Show: in shadow line, show first/last n lines excluded        [SM]
S*       Show: in shadow line, show all lines excluded by X or ALL     [SM]
nS       Show: in shadow line, show first n lines excluded by X or ALL [SM]
SCALE    Display scale line here (like SET SCALE ON n)
SI       Structured input starting on this line (same as SI macro)
TABL     Display tab line here (like SET TABLINE ON n)
Xn       Exclude n lines from display; default=1; * means rest
nX       Exclude n lines from display; default=1
XX       Exclude block of lines from display
"n       Duplicate this line n times; default=1
n"       Duplicate this line n times; default=1
""n      Duplicate block of lines n times; default=1
n""      Duplicate block of lines n times; default=1
/[c]     Make this line the current line; optionally set column pointer
[c]/     Make this line the current line; optionally set column pointer
.name    Assign symbolic name to this line (like SET POINT)
<c       Shift left by c columns on this line; default=1               [SM]
c<       Shift left by c columns on this line; default=1               [SM]
<<c      Shift left by c columns on block of lines; default=1          [SM]
c<<      Shift left by c columns on block of lines; default=1          [SM]
>c       Shift right by c columns on this line; default=1              [SM]
>>c      Shift right by c columns on block of lines; default=1         [SM]
c>>      Shift right by c columns on block of lines; default=1         [SM]

[S] By default, this is actually a synonym, not a subcommand [SM] This is actually a supplied macro, not a subcommand

SET Options

 SET  = str               Put string in the = buffer
 SET  ALT n [p]           Change number of AUTOSAVE/SAVE alterations
[SET] APL ON|OFF          Tell editor and CMS if APL keys are available
[SET] ARBchar OFF|ON [c]  Turn on arbitrary character; define it; default=$
[SET] AUtosave OFF|n [fm] Autosave every n alterations; filemode
[SET] BRKkey OFF|ON key   Set CP BRKKEY key (usually ON PA1)
[SET] CASE Uppercase|Mixed [Respect|Ignore]
                          U/M: do/don't translate all chars to uppercase;
                          R/I: respect/ignore case in target strings
[SET] CMDline On|OFf|Top|Bottom
                          Last two lines, off, second line, last line
[SET] COLOR field|* [color] [exthi] [High|Nohigh] [pss]
                          Define color/highlighting for an area of screen
[SET] COLPtr ON|OFF       Column pointer (typewriter terminals only)
 SET  CTLchar OFF         No control character for reserved lines
 SET  CTLchar c OFF       Reset a specified control character
 SET  CTLchar c Escape    Define escape character (next is a control char)
 SET  CTLchar c Protect|Noprotect [clr] [xhi] [High|Nohigh|Invisible] [pss]
                          Define field type created by char
[SET] CURLine ON|OFF M[+n|-n]
                          Place/remove current line
[SET] DISPlay n1 [n2|*]   Display scope (see SET SELECT); default=0 0
[SET] ESCape ON|OFF [c]   Escape char for cmds (typewriter terminals only)
[SET] ETARBCH ON|OFF [c]  Extended arbitrary char for DBCS strings
[SET] ETMODE ON|OFF       Extended mode: recognize DBCS strings?
[SET] FILler [c]          Filler char, when tabs expanded; default=space
[SET] FMode fm            Change filemode (A-Z, and optional 0-6)
[SET] FName fn            Change filename (1-8 chars)
[SET] FType fn            Change filetype (1-8 chars)
[SET] FULLread ON|OFF     Sense null chars in lines; like CMS SET FULLREAD
[SET] HEX ON|OFF          Allow hex in strings and targets (LOCATE/x'FF'/)
[SET] IMage ON|OFF|Canon  Handling of tab and backspace chars during input
[SET] IMPcmscp ON|OFF     Implicit CMS/CP cmd if not recognized by XEDIT
[SET] LASTLorc [str]      Put string in last-locate-or-change buffer
[SET] LINENd ON|OFF [c]   Recognize/specify line-end char (default=#)
[SET] LRecl n|*           Set new logical record length when file saved
[SET] MACRO ON|OFF        On means look for macros before subcommands
[SET] MASK Immed [txt]    Define mask used when new lines are inserted
[SET] MASK Define         Show scale on cmdline, you type new mask over it
[SET] MASK Modify         Show current mask on cmdline, type over to modify
[SET] MSGLine OFF         Message line off; pass msgs to CMS for display
[SET] MSGLine ON M[+n|-n] [p] [Overlay]
                          Specify location of message line; allow up to p
                          lines for messages; optionally overlay file line
                          (use line only if msg to show); default=ON 2 2
[SET] MSGMode ON|OFF [Short|Long]
                          Show messages? (when off, use EXTRACT/LASTMSG/)
[SET] NONDisp [c]         Nondisplayable character surrogate (usually=")
[SET] NULls ON|OFF        Replace trailing blanks with nulls (use 3270 Ins)
[SET] NUMber ON|OFF       Number file lines in prefix area (else "=====")
[SET] PACK ON|OFF Compress file records when file is saved
[SET] PENDing OFF         Remove pending cmd from prefix area of curline
[SET] PENDing ERROR str   Write "?str" in prefix area of curline
[SET] PENDing ON str      Write "str" in prefix area of curline
[SET] PENDing BLOCK str   Write "str" (block cmd) in prefix area of curline
[SET] Point .str [OFF]    Define or delete symbolic name for current line
[SET] PREfix OFF          Remove prefix area from screen
[SET] PREfix ON|Nulls [Left|Right]
                          Enable prefix area; Nulls allows insert
[SET] PREfix Synonym syn cmd
                          Define a prefix synonym for prefix area
[SET] RANge t1 t2         Set line range; all cmds operate just w/in range
[SET] RECFm F|V|FP|VP     Change record format (fixed/variable; packed)
[SET] REMOte ON|OFF       Compress data transmission; see CMS SET REMOTE
[SET] RESERved M[+n|-n] [color] [exthi] [pss] High|Nohigh [text]
                          Reserve n lines (not used for file display)
[SET] RESERved M[+n|-n] Off
                          Un-reserve n lines
[SET] SCALe ON|OFF M[+n|-n]
                          Place/remove scale line; default=ON M+1
[SET] SCOPE Display|All   Act on lines within SET DISPLAY scope; or all
[SET] SCReen n [Horizontal|Vertical]
                          Split screen evenly into n logical screens
[SET] SCReen Size s1 s2 ... sn
                          Split screen horizontally; minimum 5 lines each
[SET] SCReen Width w1 w2 ... wn
                          Split screen vertically; minimum 20 columns each
[SET] SCReen Define s1 w1 h1 v1 ... sn wn hn vn
                          S=lines, W=width, H/V=line/column of upper-left
[SET] SELect [+|-]n [t|1] Assign selection level n to curline thru target
[SET] SERial OFF          Don't update serial area when file saved
[SET] SERial ON|ALL|str [inc [start]]
                          Add serial id to last 8 columns of each file line
[SET] SHADow ON|OFF       Show shadow lines when excluded by SELECT/DISPLAY
[SET] SIDcode [str]       Insert string in every line of an update file
[SET] SPAN OFF            Strings must be on one line to match target
[SET] SPAN ON [Blank|Noblank [n|*]]
                          Concatenate lines when matching target strings;
                          trailing blanks are ignored; BLANK acts as if one
                          blank between lines; n specifies number of lines
                          string can span; default=OFF BLANK 2
[SET] SPILL OFF|ON|WORD   Truncate or spill lines when too long
[SET] STAY OFF|ON         OFF=go to EOF if target not found; ON=stay put
[SET] STReam ON|OFF       Search OFF=curline or ON=entire file for col targ
[SET] SYNonym ON|OFF      Look for synonyms?
[SET] SYNonym [LINEND c] syn [n] cmd
                          Assign synonym to command; use linend char for
                          multiple commands; n=minimum abbreviation chars
[SET] SYNonym [LINEND c] syn [n [fmt1 ... fmtn]] cmd [&1 ... &n]
                          Assign synonym with different operand order than
                          command; fmtn indicates operand formats (& &/ &.
                          &*); &n indicates relative order
[SET] TABLine ON|OFF M[+n|-n]
                          Place/remove tab line; default=OFF -3
[SET] TABS c1 c2 ... cn   Set logical tabs stops; up to 28
[SET] TERMinal Typewriter|Display
                          Use T to force display terminal into line mode
[SET] TEXT ON|OFF         Tell editor and CMS if text keys are available
[SET] TOFEOF ON|OFF       Show top-of-file and end-of-file notice lines
[SET] TRANSLat OFF|c1 c2 c1 c2...
                          Lower/upper translation for non-US terminals
[SET] TRunc n|*           Define truncation column
[SET] VARblank ON|OFF     Make target like /a b/ match text like "a     b"
[SET] Verify ON|OFF       Display all lines changed by subcommands
[SET] Verify [Hex] s1 e1 [Hex] s2 e2 ...
                          Columns numbers (start/end pairs) to display
[SET] WRap ON|OFF         Wrap around past EOF when LOCATE/FIND/etc.
[SET] Zone zone1 zone2|*  Define columns to search for targets

M[+n|-n] n means nth line from top of screen +n means nth line from top of screen -n means nth line from bottom of screen M means middle line of screen M+n means nth line below middle of screen M-n means nth line above middle of screen
field Arrow Cmdline CUrline Filearea Idline Msgline Pending PRefix Scale SHadow STatarea Tabline
color Blue Red Pink Green Turquoise Yellow White Default
exthi BLInk REVvideo Underline NONe

Suggested non-default settings for your PROFILE XEDIT

COMMAND SET WRAP     ON               /* Wrap from bot to top (LOCATE)   */
COMMAND SET STAY     ON               /* Stay put if LOCATE not found    */
COMMAND SET NULLS    ON               /* Nulls (not spaces) at line ends */
COMMAND SET NUMBER   ON               /* Number lines in prefix area     */
COMMAND SET PREFIX   NULLS            /* Prefix left fill with nulls     */
COMMAND SET SHADOW   OFF              /* Don't display shadow lines      */
COMMAND SET SCALE    OFF              /* Column numbers rarely needed    */
COMMAND SET CASE     MIXED IGNORE     /* Mixed case entry and searching  */
COMMAND SET MSGLINE  ON 2 15 OVERLAY  /* Many lines for messages         */
COMMAND SET AUTOSAVE 20               /* AUTOSAVE every 20 alterations   */
COMMAND SET VERIFY   1 *              /* See entire lrecl                */
COMMAND SET LINEND   OFF #            /* Disable command delimiter       */

QUERY Options

=           Display the string in the = buffer (last executed command)
ACTion      ON if any action other than displaying or scrolling; else OFF
ALT         Number of alterations to file since last AUTOSAVE and SAVE
APL         APL setting: ON or OFF
ARBchar     Arbitrary character setting: ON or OFF; and the arbchar
AUtosave    AUTOSAVE count, file id, and number of alterations
BASEft      Base filetype specified by XEDIT command or LOAD subcommand
BRKkey      OFF; or ON and the PF or PA key currently set to be the BRKKEY
CASE        Case setting: U=upper or M=mixed; and R=respect or I=ignore
CMDline     Command line setting: ON, OFF, TOP, or BOTTOM
COLOR *|fld Color settings for all or one field (see SET COLOR for fields)
COLPtr      Column pointer display for typewriter terminals: ON or OFF
COLumn      Column number of the column pointer
CTLchar     Display escape character and all control characters
CTLchar c   Display the attributes of one control character
CURLine     Line number of current line
CURSor      Position of cursor on screen (row,col) and in file (line,col)
DISPLay     Range of selection levels included in display
EDIRName    Name of SFS directory containing file when it was first loaded
EFMode      Two-character filemode of file when it was first loaded
EFName      Eight-character filename of file when it was first loaded
EFType      Eight-character filetype of file when it was first loaded
ENTer       BEFORE, AFTER, ONLY, or IGNORE; and the enter key definition
EOF         End of file: ON if line pointer at EOF (or EORange); else OFF
EOL         End of line: ON if column pointer at zone2+1; else OFF
ESCape      ON or OFF; and the escape character
ETARBCH     ON or OFF; and the extended arbitrary character
ETMODE      Extended mode (DBCS): ON or OFF
FILler      Display the filler character
FMode       Display the two-character filemode
FName       Display the eight-character filename
FType       Display the eight-character filetype
FULLread    Sense null characters: ON or OFF
HEX         Allow hex in strings and targets: ON or OFF
IMage       Tab and backspace handing during input: ON, OFF, or CANON
IMPcmscp    Implicit CMS/CP: ON or OFF
LASTLorc    Display contents of last-locate-or-change buffer
LASTmsg     Display last message issued by editor
LENgth      Length of current line (col 1 thru trunc, excl trail blanks)
LIBName     Display library filename when MEMBER is ON
LIBType     Display library filetype when MEMBER is ON
LIne        Current line number, relative to beginning of file
LINENd      ON or OFF; and the line-end character
LRecl       Logical record length of the file
LScreen     Logical screen info (six integers): number of lines/columns in
              logical screen; line/column numbers of top-left corner of
              logical on virtual; number of lines/columns in virtual screen
MACRO       Look for macros before subcommands: ON or OFF
MASK        Display the mask line
MEMber      ON if editing member of a CMS library; or OFF
MSGLine     ON or OFF; location of message line; number lines [; OVERLAY]
MSGMode     ON, LONG, or SHORT (nothing displayed when MSGMODE OFF)
NBFile      Number of files in ring
NONDisp     Non-displayable character surrogate
NULls       Replace trailing blanks with nulls: ON or OFF
NUMber      Number file lines in prefix area: ON or OFF
PA[n|*]     One or all PA key definitions; BEFORE, AFTER, ONLY, or IGNORE
PACK        Compress file records when file is saved: ON or OFF
PENDing [BLOCK] [OLDNAME] name|*
            First entry in pending list with name, or all entries
            Response: Line n: 'name',Oldname='name',OP1='x',OP2='y',OP3='z'
PF[n|*]     One or all PF key definitions; BEFORE, AFTER, ONLY, or IGNORE
Point [*]   Display names associated with current line; * means all lines
PREfix      Prefix area display state: ON, OFF, or NULLS; LEFT or RIGHT
PREfix Synonym name|*
            Definition of specified synonym; or all synonym definitions
RANge       Line numbers of top and bottom of range
RECFm       Record format: F, V, FP, or VP
REMote      Compress data transmission: ON or OFF
RESERved    Line numbers of reserved screen lines
RING        Number of files being edited; fileid line for each
SCALe       ON or OFF; position of scale line on screen
SCOPE       Act on lines within SET DISPLAY scope: DISPLAY or ALL
SCReen      SIZE, WIDTH, or DEFINE; sizes of screens
SELect      Selection level of current line; maximum level for the file
Seq8        NOSEQ8 option: ON or OFF
SERial      Serial identification; increment value; starting value
SHADow      Show shadow lines: ON or OFF
SIDcode     Eight-character SIDCODE string
SIZe        Number of records in file being edited
SPAN        ON or OFF; B(=blank) or N(=noblank); number of lines
SPILL       Spill or truncate lines when too long: ON, OFF, or WORD
STAY        Stay put if target not found: ON or OFF
STReam      Search entire file for column targets: ON or OFF
SYNonym     Look for synonyms: ON or OFF
SYNonym name|*
            Synonym name, minimum abbreviation, and definition
TABLine     ON or OFF; position of tab line on screen
TABS        Tab column numbers
TARGet      Line/column of first char; line/column of last char
TERMinal    Type of terminal: DISPLAY or TYPEWRITER
TEXT        Text keys available: ON or OFF
TOF         At top-of-file: ON or OFF
TOFEOF      Show TOF and EOF notice lines: ON or OFF
TOL         At top-of-line: ON or OFF
TRANSlat    Lower/upper translation for non-US terminals: ON or OFF
TRunc       Truncation column number
UNIQueid    Unique identifier associated with file (see AUTOSAVE)
UNTil       File type up through which file updates were applied
UPDate      UPDATE option: ON or OFF
VARblank    Make target like /a b/ match text like "a     b": ON of OFF
Verify      ON or OFF; verification column numbers
VERShift    n or -n: relative position of screen over file (see LEFT/RIGHT)
WIDTH       WIDTH option value from XEDIT command or LOAD subcommand
WRap        Wrap around past EOF when LOCATE/FIND/etc.: ON or OFF
Zone        Left and right zone column numbers

EXTRACT Operands

=        What's in the equal (=) buffer (last executed command or macro)
         EQUALSIGN.1 = string in the equal buffer
ACTion   Have any changes been made to file (other than display/scroll)
         ACTION.1 = ON if any change made, else OFF
ALT      Number of alterations to file since last AUTOSAVE and SAVE
         ALT.1 = number of changes since last AUTOSAVE
         ALT.2 = number of changes since last SAVE
APL      Is APL on?
         APL.1 = ON|OFF
ARBchar  Status of arbitrary character
         ARBCHAR.1 = ON|OFF
         ARBCHAR.2 = the arbitrary character
AUtosave Is file being automatically saved?  If so, where?
         AUTOSAVE.1 = OFF or autosave count
         AUTOSAVE.2 = autosave filename
         AUTOSAVE.3 = number of alterations since last autosave
         AUTOSAVE.4 = autosave filemode (one character)
BASEft   Filetype originally specified in XEDIT command or LOAD subcommand
         BASEFT.1 = filetype
BRKkey   CP terminal break key setting
         BRKKEY.1 = ON|OFF
         BRKKEY.2 = PAn|PFn
CASE     Treatment of upper/lower case letters
         CASE.1 = MIXED|UPPER
CMDline  Where is command line
         CMDLINE.2 = line number on screen
COLOR Arrow|Cmdline|CUrline|Filearea|Idline|Msgline|Pending|PRefix|Scale
         What color/highlight/pss is specified area of screen
         COLOR.1 = color
         COLOR.2 = extended highlighting
         COLOR.3 = HIGH|NOHIGH
         COLOR.4 = programmed symbol set
COLOR *  All areas of screen and their color/highlighting/pss
         COLOR.1  = ARROW    color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.2  = CMDLINE  color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.3  = CURLINE  color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.4  = FILEAREA color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.5  = IDLINE   color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.6  = MSGLINE  color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.7  = PENDING  color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.8  = PREFIX   color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.9  = SCALE    color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.10 = SHADOW   color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.11 = STATAREA color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.12 = TABLINE  color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
         COLOR.13 = TOFEOF   color exthi HIGH|NOHIGH PSs
COLPtr   Column pointer display (for typewriter terminals)
         COLPTR.1 = ON|OFF
COLumn   Column number of the column pointer
         COLUMN.1 = current column number
CTLchar  Escape character and all control characters
         CTLCHAR.0 = 1 if SET CTLCHAR OFF; else 3
         CTLCHAR.1 = ON|OFF
         CTLCHAR.2 = escape character
         CTLCHAR.3 = list of control characters (if any)
CTLchar c
         Is character c in a protected status
         CTLCHAR.0 = 1 if SET CTLCHAR OFF;
                     0 if SET CTLCHAR not OFF but this char not defined;
                     else 3
         CTLCHAR.2 = color
         CTLCHAR.3 = extended highlighting
         CTLCHAR.5 = programmed symbol set
CURLine  Information about the current line
         CURLINE.1 = M[+|-]n | [-]n (position; M=middle of screen)
         CURLINE.2 = actual line number on screen
         CURLINE.3 = contents of line in file (null if at TOF or EOF)
         CURLINE.4 = ON if line changed or inserted in session; else OFF
         CURLINE.5 = OLD if line not inserted this session;
                     OLD CHANGED if not inserted and changed
                     NEW if inserted in this session;
                     NEW CHANGED if inserted and changed
           If using a typewriter terminal, then same results except:
         CURLINE.1 = -1
         CURLINE.2 = -1
CURSor   Where is the cursor
           Current info is where cursor would be if screen displayed now;
           original info is where cursor was when screen was read
         CURSOR.1 = current line number on screen
         CURSOR.2 = current column number on screen
         CURSOR.3 = current line number in file; or -1 if not in file
         CURSOR.4 = current column number in file; or -1 if not in file
         CURSOR.5 = original line number on screen
         CURSOR.6 = original column number on screen
         CURSOR.7 = original line number in file; or -1 if not in file
         CURSOR.8 = original column number in file; or -1 if not in file
         CURSOR.9 = highest priority (or zero)
           If screen not yet displayed, then CURSOR.8=0 and CURSOR.9=0
DISPlay  Range of selection levels included in display
         DISPLAY.1 = start of display range
         DISPLAY.2 = end of display range
EDIRName Entry (SFS) directory name containing file when first loaded
         EDIRNAME.1 = entry directory name; or null for a minidisk file
EFMode   Entry filemode (when file was first loaded)
         EFMODE.1 = filemode (two characters)
EFName   Entry filename (when file was first loaded)
         EFNAME.1 = filename (eight characters)
EFType   Entry filetype (when file was first loaded)
         EFTYPE.1 = filetype (eight characters)
ENTer    Enter key definition
         ENTER.2 = enter key definition
EOF      Is line pointer at end-of-file (or end-of-range) line?
         EOF.1 = ON if at EOF; else OFF
EOL      Is column pointer at end-of-line column (zone2+1)?
         EOL.1 = ON if at EOL; else OFF
ESCape   Escape character definition
         ESCAPE.1 = ON|OFF
         ESCAPE.2 = escape character
ETARBCH  Extended arbitrary character definition
         ETARBCH.1 = ON|OFF
         ETARBCH.2 = extended arbitrary character, enclosed by SO/SI chars
ETMODE   Extended (DBCS) mode
         ETMODE.1 = ON|OFF
FILler   Definition of the filler character
         FILLER.1 = filler character
FLscreen File lines on screen
         FLSCREEN.1 = line number of first line of file displayed on screen
         FLSCREEN.2 = line number of last line of file displayed on screen
FMode    Current filemode
         FMODE.1 = filemode (two characters)
FName    Current filename
         FNAME.1 = filename (eight characters)
FType    Current filetype
         FTYPE.1 = filetype (eight characters)
FULLread Sense null characters in lines (like CMS SET FULLREAD)
         FULLREAD.1 = ON|OFF
HEX      Allow hexadecimal in strings and targets (LOCATE/x'FF'/)
         HEX.1 = ON|OFF
IMage    Handling of tab and backspace characters during input
         IMAGE.1 = ON|OFF|CANON
IMPcmscp Implicit CMS/CP mode
         IMPCMSCP.1 = ON|OFF
INPmode  In input mode?
         INPMODE.1 = ON|OFF
LASTLorc Contents of last-locate-or-change buffer
         LASTLORC.1 = contents of last-locate-or-change buffer; or null
LASTmsg  Last message issued by editor (message is recorded even when
         SET MSGMODE OFF, but not when CP SET EMSG OFF is in effect)
         LASTMSG.1 = last message issued; or null
LENgth   Length of current line, from column 1 through truncation column
         LENGTH.1 = length, excluding trailing blanks; 0 if TOF or EOF
LIBName  Library filename while editing a member of a CMS library
         LIBNAME.1 = filename; blanks if not editing a member of a library
LIBType  Library filetype while editing a member of a CMS library
         LIBTYPE.1 = filetype; blanks if not editing a member of a library
LIne     Line number in file of current line
         LINE.1 = line number in file; 0 if at TOF; 1+lines if at EOF
LINENd   Line end character status
         LINEND.1 = ON|OFF
         LINEND.2 = linend character
LOCk     Was file locked when first loaded (even if lock since dropped)
         LOCK.1 = ON|OFF
LRecl    Logical record length of file being edited
         LRECL.1 = lrecl
LScreen  Logical screen size and location
         LSCREEN.1 = number of lines on logical screen
         LSCREEN.2 = number of columns on logical screen
         LSCREEN.3 = line number of top-left corner of logical on virtual
         LSCREEN.4 = column number of top-left corner of logical on virtual
         LSCREEN.5 = number of lines in virtual screen
         LSCREEN.6 = number of columns in virtual screen
MACRO    Prefer like-named macros to subcommands
         MACRO.1 = ON|OFF
MASK     Current mask line
         MASK.1 = mask definition
MEMber   Editing a member of a CMS library? (MEMBER option was specified?)
         MEMBER.1 = ON if editing member of a CMS library; or OFF
MSGLine  Message line status and location
         MSGLINE.1 = ON|OFF
         MSGLINE.2 = M[+|-]n | [-]n (position; M=middle of screen)
         MSGLINE.3 = maximum number of lines that msgline can expand to
         MSGLINE.4 = OVERLAY; or null
MSGMode  Message mode status
         MSGMODE.1 = ON|OFF
NBFile   Number of files currently being edited
         NBFILE.1 = number of files in ring
NBScope  Number of lines in file within current scope
         NBSCOPE.1 = number of lines within the current scope
         NBSCOPE.2 = position of the current line within the scope
NONDisp  Nondisp character
         NONDISP.1 = nondisp character
NULls    Replace trailing blanks with nulls (easier to use 3270 Ins mode)
         NULLS.1 = ON|OFF
NUMber   Number file lines in prefix area
         NUMBER.1 = ON|OFF
PA[*]    Definitions of all PA keys
         PA1.2 = PA1 key definition
         PA2.2 = PA2 key definition
         PA3.2 = PA3 key definition
PAn      Definition of one PA key (where n from 1 to 3)
         PAn.2 = key definition
PACK     Compress file records when file is saved
         PACK.1 = ON|OFF
PENDing [BLOCK] [OLDNAME] name|* [t1[t2]]
         Information from the pending list
           BLOCK option means check list for block entries only
           OLDNAME option means name specified is original name (see .3)
           Specify either a name or asterisk meaning first entry in list
           If targets are omitted, entire file is searched
           Target1 specifies starting line for search (relative to TOF)
           Target2 specifies last line for search (relative to target1)
           If target specified but not found, EXTRACT return code = 2
         PENDING.0 = 0 if no pending entry found; else 7
         PENDING.1 = line number in the file
         PENDING.2 = name entered in the prefix area
         PENDING.3 = original name of cmd/macro after synonym resolution
         PENDING.4 = BLOCK if prefix block entry in pending list; else null
         PENDING.5 = first operand accompanying prefix; or null
         PENDING.6 = second operand accompanying prefix; or null
         PENDING.7 = third operand accompanying prefix; or null
PF[*]    Definitions of all PF keys
         PF1.2 = PF1 key definition
         PF2.2 = PF2 key definition
         PF24.2 = PF24 key definition
PFn      Definition of one PF key (when n from 1 to 24)
         PFn.2 = key definition
Point    Symbolic name(s) assigned to the current line
         POINT.0 = 1; or 0 if no names assigned
         POINT.1 = line number and up to last 100 names assigned to it
Point *  All lines with symbolic names defined, starting at top of file
         POINT.0 = number of lines with names; or 0 if none
         POINT.1 = first named line number and all names assigned to it
         POINT.n = last named line number and all names assigned to it
PREfix   State of prefix area
         PREFIX.1 = ON|OFF|NULLS
         PREFIX.2 = RIGHT|LEFT
PREfix Synonym name
         Original name associated with specified prefix subcommand or macro
         PREFIX.1 = oldname (before synonym resolution)
PREfix Synonym *
         Both old and new names of all synonyms for prefix cmds/macros
         PREFIX.n = newname oldname
RANge    Line numbers of the top and bottom of the range
         RANGE.1 = line number of the first line in range
         RANGE.2 = line number of the last line in range
RECFm    What is record format of current file
         RECFM.1 = F|V|FP|VP
REMOte   Is a remote terminal being used
         REMOTE.1 = ON|OFF
RESERved Line numbers of screen lines currently reserved
         RESERVED.0 = 1 (except RESERVED.0 = 0 when no lines are reserved)
         RESERVED.1 = list of reserved line numbers (RESERVED.0=0 if none)
RING     Number of files you are editing and file identification of each
         RING.1 = number of distinct files in ring (maybe not RING.0-1)
         RING.2 = file identification line of the first file
         RING.n = file identification line of the nth-1 file
SCALe    State of scale display and position of scale line on screen
         SCALE.0 = 3 (except SCALE.0 = 2 when SET SCALE OFF)
         SCALE.1 = ON|OFF (state)
         SCALE.2 = M[+|-]n | [-]n (position; M=middle of screen)
         SCALE.3 = line number on screen
SCOPE    Display scope (see SET SCOPE and SET DISPLAY)
         SCOPE.1 = ALL|DISPLAY
SCReen   Attributes of screen(s) defined by SET SCREEN
         SCREEN.n = SIZE ...|WIDTH ...|DEFINE ... attributes
SELect   Selection level of current line and max level for file
         SELECT.1 = selection level of current line
         SELECT.2 = maximum selection level in the file
Seq8     Was NOSEQ8 option issued by XEDIT command or LOAD subcommand
         SEQ8.1 = OFF if NOSEQ8 option, else ON
SERial   Information from SET SERIAL
         SERIAL.1 = serial prefix or OFF
         SERIAL.2 = increment
         SERIAL.3 = start
SHADow   Are shadow lines displayed
         SHADOW.1 = ON|OFF
SIDcode  String from SIDCODE option of XEDIT command or LOAD subcommand
         SIDCODE.1 = Eight-character sidcode string (or eight blanks)
SIZe     Size of file being edited
         SIZE.1 = number of records in file being edited
SPAN     Concatenate lines when matching string targets?
         SPAN.1 = ON|OFF
         SPAN.3 = number of consecutive file lines that string can span
SPILL    Spill (as opposed to truncate) lines when too long
         SPILL.1 = ON|OFF|WORD
STAY     Stay put (as opposed to EOF) if target not found
         STAY.1 = ON|OFF
STReam   Search entire file for column target (as opposed to just curline)
         STREAM.1 = ON|OFF
SYNonym name
         Definition of specified synonym
         SYNONYM.1 = synonym name
         SYNONYM.2 = length of minimum abbreviation
         SYNONYM.3 = definition
         SYNONYM.4 = linend character (if specified); or null
           If synonym not defined, then
         SYNONYM.1 = name
         SYNONYM.2 = length of name
         SYNONYM.3 = name
         SYNONYM.4 = null
SYNonym *
         Definitions of all defined synonyms
         SYNONYM.n = name abbreviation [LINEND char] definition
TABLine  Status of tab line
         TABLINE.0 = 3 (except TABLINE.0 = 1 when SET TABLINE OFF)
         TABLINE.1 = ON|OFF (state)
         TABLINE.2 = M[+|-]n | [-]n (position; M=middle of screen)
         TABLINE.3 = line number on screen
TABS     Tab column numbers
         TABS.1 = tab column numbers
TARGet   Position of last string that matched last LOCATE or CLOCATE target
         TARGET.1 = line number of first character
         TARGET.2 = column number of first character
         TARGET.3 = line number of last character
         TARGET.4 = column number of last character
TERMinal Terminal type
TEXT     Text state
         TEXT.1 = ON|OFF
TOF      Is line pointer at top-of-file (or top-of-range) line?
         TOF.1 = ON if at TOF; else OFF
TOFEOF   Are TOF and EOF pseudo-lines being displayed?
         TOFEOF.1 = ON|OFF
TOL      Is column pointer at top-of-line (reached zone1-1)?
         TOFEOF.1 = ON|OFF
TRANSLat Has user defined pairs of uppercase translate characters
         TRANSLAT.1 = ON|OFF
TRunc    Truncation column number
         TRUNC.1 = truncation column number
UNIQueid Unique identifier associated with this file (AUTOSAVE filename)
         UNIQUEID.1 = rrrnnnnn (r=recursion level, n=autosave number)
UNTil    Filetype up thru which updates were applied
         UNTIL.1 = filetype (if option was specified), or blanks
UPDate   Was UPDATE option specified by XEDIT command or LOAD subcommand
         UPDATE.1 = ON|OFF
VARblank Will target like /a b/ match text like "a     b"?
         VARBLANK.1 = ON|OFF
Verify   Information about verification columns
         VERIFY.1 = ON|OFF
         VERIFY.2 = column number pairs (possibly including H prefix)
VERShift Relative position of screen over file (see LEFT and RIGHT)
         VERSHIFT.1 = [-]n
Width    Value of WIDTH option to XEDIT command or LOAD subcommand
         WIDTH.1 = width of file
WINdow   Name of virtual screen and window that XEDIT will use
         WINDOW.1 = window name or blanks (for non-display terminals)
WRap     Will LOCATE wrap around from end of file
         WRAP.1 = ON|OFF
Zone     Left and right zone column numbers
         ZONE.1 = left zone column number
         ZONE.2 = right zone column number

Most operands are related to the corresponding SET OPERAND subcommand
In all cases, variable OPERAND.0 is set to number of variables returned
On a typewriter terminal, OPERAND.0=0 for the following operands: CMDLINE CURSOR FLSCREEN LSCREEN MSGLINE SCALE SCREEN TABLINE

READ Subcommand

Causes "Macro-read n File(s)" to be displayed in the XEDIT status area
Command terminates when an interrupt (Enter/PA/PF) key is pressed
READ is a no-op if anything is already in the console stack
From a typewriter terminal, READ stacks just the command line

READ [Cmdline] [Tag|Notag] Stack just the command line (and interrupt key) READ All [Number] [Tag|Notag] Stack all lines changed plus the command line (and interrupt key) READ Nochange [Number] [Tag|Notag] Like ALL but changes are not made to file, just stacked
Options: Number Prefix file lines with their line numbers Notag This is the default Tag Add origin of line to beginning of each line stacked
Tags: CMD CommandLineString ETK EnterKeyDefinition FIL LineNumber ColumnNumber [FileLineNumber] FileLineString PAK PaKeyNumber PaKeyDefinition PFK PfKeyNumber PfKeyDefinition PRF LineNumber ColumnNumber [FileLineNumber] PrefixAreaString RES LineNumber ColumnNumber ReservedFieldString

SOS Operands

ALarm          Ring terminal alarm next time display is refreshed
CLEAR          Clear the screen
LINEAdd        Add blank line after line pointed to by cursor (PF2)
LINEDel        Delete line pointed to by cursor
NUlls          Toggle setting of nulls option on line pointed to by cursor
NUlls ON       Change trailing blanks to nulls on line pointed to by cursor
NUlls OFF      Change trailing nulls to blanks on line pointed to by cursor
PFn            Depress PF key n; data assigned to key stacked LIFO
POP            Remove top position in cursor stack and place cursor there
PUsh           Save current cursor position in LIFO cursor stack (5 deep)
TABB [1|n]     Move cursor back n tab positions (see SET TABS)
TABCmd         Move cursor to command line for logical screen now in
TABCMDB [1|n]  Move cursor backward to command line of prev logical screen
TABCMDF [1|n]  Move cursor forward to command line of next logical screen
TABF [1|n]     Move cursor forward n tab positions (see SET TABS)


:n          Absolute file line number
.name       Absolute file line name (see SET POINT and prefix command .)
n           Relative displacement from current line (down)
+n          Relative displacement from current line (down)
-n          Relative displacement from current line (up)
*           End of file
+*          End of file
-*          Top of file
//          Advance line pointer by one line
/str[/]     Next line containing occurrence of string
+/str[/]    Next line containing occurrence of string
-/str[/]    Previous line containing occurrence of string
¬/str[/]    Next line not containing occurrence of string
+¬/str[/]   Next line not containing occurrence of string
-¬/str[/]   Previous line not containing occurrence of string
/s1/&/s2/   Next line containing occurrences of both strings
/s1/|/s2/   Next line containing occurrence of either string
-/x'cc'/    Previous line containing hex character (only if SET HEX ON)

Column targets are similar except: No named (.) columns + means right, - means left * means EOL, -* means TOL
Precedence: (first) ¬ & | (last)

Defaults by Filetype

VERIFY: T means trunc column; ** means screen size

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Copyright © 1994-1997 Rex Swain
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Permission granted to distribute unmodified copies